SnoFile NumberSubject Release Date Component Name
1 Cir.No.116/RD/SLNA/ PMKSY-2.0/NRM/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation of PMKSY 2.0 - Maintenance of work files for every work - Provision for work file in estimates under NRM & EPA - Regarding.13-MAR-2024NRM
2 Cir.No.116/RD/SLNA/ PMKSY-2.0/NRM/2022 RD-SLNA-Implementation of WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Grounding of EPA and NRM activities - Drawing limits accorded - Instructions for grounding of the activities immediately - Reg.20-NOV-2023NRM
3 Cir.No.126/SLNA/NRM/ Horti 2.0/2023 RD-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation of Horticulture Plantation and Vegetable Pandals programme2023-24 under WDC-PMKSY 2.0 in convergence with MGNREGS and Horticulture Department with PMKSY 2.0 funds - Guidelines - Issued - Reg.11-SEP-2023NRM
4 Cir. No.29/RD/SLNA/ PMKSY-2.0/EPA/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation - Entry Point Activities - Installation of Trevises - Further Guidelines - Issued - Reg (Encl - Director, AH Letter)28-AUG-2023EPA
5 Cir. No.126/SLNA/ NRM/ Horti 2.0/2023 RD-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation of Horticulture Plantation and Vegetable Pandals under WDC-PMKSY 2.0 in convergence with MGNREGS and Horticulture Department with PMKSY 2.0 funds - Guidelines - Issued - Reg.01-AUG-2023NRM
6 F.No. K-11011/23/2022-WDC 2.0/Telangana(e-3011910) Administrative approval for the Projects sanctioned during 2022-23 under the centrally sponsored Scheme "Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY 2.0) in the State of Telangana -Reg.19-MAY-2023SANCTION OF PROJECTS
7 Cir.No.12/RD/SLNA/WDC-PMKSY 2.0/DPR/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Sanction of Project by GoI - Picherygadi in Kohir Mandal of Sangareddy district - Implementation - Action - Request Reg.16-MAY-2023DPR
8 Cir.No.116/RD/SLNA/ PMKSY-2.0/NRM/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Detailed guidelines for execution of works under Natural Resource Management(NRM) component Further guidelines - Reg18-APR-2023NRM
9 Cir. No.116/ RD/ SLNA/ PMKSY 2.0/ NRM/ 2022 RD - SLNA - WDC - PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation - Natural Resource Management (NRM) Activities - Grounding in Watershed Projects - Guidelines - Issued - Reg02-MAR-2023NRM
10 Cir.No.123/RD/SLNA/ I&CB/2023 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - New Generation Watershed Development Projects - Guidelines of GoI - Implementation of the scheme - Roles & Responsibilities of functionaries - Communicated - Reg03-FEB-2023I&CB
11 Cir.No.109/RD/SLNA/ WDC-PMKSY 2.0/ Exp.Plan/ 2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation of the PMKSY 2.0 - Release of funds - Revised plan for utilization of available funds - Further instructions on grounding of activities - Communication of - Reg03-JAN-2023NRM
12 Cir.No.16/RD/SLNA/ DoLR/2021 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Execution of New / Renovation of Percolation Tanks (PTs) - Completion of Amrit Sarovars/PTs Procedure to be followed for making final payment - Further Guidelines & Timelines - Issued - Reg12-DEC-2022NRM
13 Cir.No.116/RD/SLNA/ PMKSY-2.0/NRM/2022 RD - SLNA - WDC - PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation - Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities - Grounding in Watershed Projects - Guidelines - Issued - Reg12-DEC-2022NRM
14 Cir. No.29/RD/SLNA/ PMKSY-2.0/EPA/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Implementation - Entry Point Activities - Grounding in Watershed Projects - Guidelines - Issued - Reg12-DEC-2022EPA
15 Cir.No.16/RD/SLNA/DoLR/2021 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Execution of Ponds / Water bodies under Mission Amrit Sarovar - Further instructions - Instructions issued - Reg23-MAY-2022NRM
16 Cir.No.12/RD/SLNA/WDC-PMKSY 2.0/DPR/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Sanction of Projects by GoI - Implementation - Preaparation and Submission of DPRs - Norms for incurring expenditure for DPR - Communication of action - Reg10-MAY-2022DPR
17 Memo. No. PR RD - RD 1/37/A2/2022 PR & RD Dept., - SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Sanction of projects by GoI - Implementation - Administrative sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued - Reg.13-APR-2022SANCTION OF PROJECTS
19 F.No. K-11011/23/2022-WDC 2.0/Telangana Administrative approval of the Projects sanctioned during 2021-22 under the centrally sponsored Scheme "Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY 2.0) in the State of Telangana16-FEB-2022SANCTION OF PROJECTS
20 Cir.No.12/RD/SLNA/WDC-PMKSY 2.0/DPR/2022 RD-SLNA-WDC-PMKSY 2.0 - Sanction of Projects by GoI - Implementation - Preparation and Submission of DPRs - Reg15-FEB-2022DPR
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